Earlier this week Alex McLin, Director of the Gymnastics Ethics Foundation (GEF), spoke at the webinar “Towards a positive gym culture”, organised by European Gymnastics for its member federations. In attendance of approximately 100 senior managers and safeguarding or integrity officers of National Federations (NFs), Alex McLin explained the Foundation’s role and how it can advise on the implementation of robust safeguarding procedures at national level. NFs must protect athletes from harassment and abuse in order to comply with FIG regulations. The GEF Director encouraged the NF representatives to make use of the expertise of the Foundation and of the FIG safeguarding officer in order to find solutions on pressing issues in this area. He also outlined the official decisions in two specific cases which involved physical abuse.
Other speakers at the webinar were John O’Sullivan, Founder and CEO of the Changing the Game project and Katherine Starr, Founder and President of Safe4Athletes who, amongst other topics, shared their insights on how to support and educate coaches, improve communication between athletes and coaches and support the athletes’ voice.
Click here for the full programme.
Click here to watch the recorded session.